Terms and Conditions

Website Use

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the website papergoround.com.au owned by the Paper-Go-Round  Trust. Any mention of Paper-Go-Round in these Terms and Conditions should be read as referring to  the Trustee for the Paper-Go-Round Trust,  ABN 90 594 461 735. The law pertaining to these Terms and Conditions is that of the State of Victoria in Australia.

By using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that you have read and accepted them in full.

Paper-Go-Round, at its sole discretion, may make changes to these Terms and Conditions from time to time. It is your responsibility to check for any changes and your continued use of the site after such changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.

All the content of this website is owned, controlled or licensed by or to Paper-Go-Round and is protected by copyright and Trade Mark laws and other intellectual property rights. In this context, ‘content’ of the website refers to all facets of text, photographs, graphics, visual presentation, design and structure and all other aspects of the material and the way it is presented on the website.

Unless explicitly specified in these Terms and Conditions, no part of this website may be reproduced, published, distributed or displayed in any way online or offline without the express prior written permission of Paper-Go-Round. However, you may electronically copy and print to hard copy website content for non-commercial, personal use. Any other use is strictly prohibited.


Visitor Conduct

The use of any personally identifiable information is covered under our Privacy Policy. Any other material you send or post to this website will be considered non-proprietary and not confidential. Unless you advise to the contrary, we will be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and otherwise use such material for any and all purposes.

When using this website you shall not post or send to or from this website any material:

  • for which you have not obtained all necessary consents;
  • that is discriminatory, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, liable to incite racial hatred, in breach of confidentiality or privacy, which may cause annoyance or inconvenience to others, which encourages or constitutes conduct that would be deemed a criminal offence, give rise to a civil liability, or otherwise is contrary to the law in New South Wales or Australia.

Website Content

Paper-Go-Round takes all reasonable steps to ensure the content of this site is complete, accurate and up-to-date. However, Paper-Go-Round does not guarantee completeness, accuracy nor currency of site content. Further, some content may be sourced from third parties and provided on this site in good faith to be a true and fair representation of the third party information.

No liability is accepted for inaccuracies, omissions or out-of-date content of this site nor for any actions taken on the basis of such content.

Paper-Go-Round may make changes to the content of this site at any time and without notice. Changes may include but not be limited to, products and services offered, prices for products and services, or any other aspect of the site content.

Any images and descriptions of handmade papers on this site are given as a representation only and are not meant to present an exact replica of paper that will be supplied. There may be slight variations in thickness, colour and texture from any description or image on this site. The position of any inclusions in the paper, such as seeds, will not be exactly replicated.

All information on this website is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement.

On-line Shop Orders

  • Product Returns

It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that they order the correct product. This means all aspects including size, seed, quantity, colour and any other facet which might influence the desire to order a particular product. Any item incorrectly ordered will only be accepted for return at the discretion of Paper-Go-Round. Such returns will be at the customer’s expense and any refund will only be processed if the return is received in good re-saleable condition. This will normally involve returning the items in the original carton or equivalent and with similar protective packaging. Prior to sending the return, written approval should be obtained from Paper-Go-Round.

  • Faulty Goods

Faulty goods can be returned if the customer makes a written claim to Paper-Go-round within 21 days of delivery. Prior to returning the goods, written approval should be obtained from Paper-Go-Round.

  • Additional Charges

Paper-Go-Round reserves the right to make additional charges for ‘unusual’ orders. Such orders may include small orders below a specified value or quantity; or special production of non-stock items or sizes.

  • Stock Availability

Whilst we make every attempt to ensure all products appearing on the site are current and in stock, from time-to-time there may be limited availability or end-of-line limitations to availability.

  • Outside Our Control

Paper-Go-Round will not be liable for any loss, damage or expense suffered or incurred by the customer where such loss is occasioned by cause beyond Paper-Go-Round’s reasonable control such as delays in transport, loss by common carriers, breakdowns in machinery, inability or failure of a supplier to supply goods, natural disasters, acts of God.

  • Payment

All orders are to be paid at time of order and prior to despatch. For orders requiring printing or special cutting or production, such activities will not ordinarily commence until payment has been received. To fulfil the delivery requirements of urgent orders, Paper-Go-Round may, at its sole discretion, undertake these activities prior to receipt of payment.

  • Freight & Handling

Freight and/or handling charges apply to all orders and are payable by the customer. Freight is arranged by Paper-Go-Round on behalf of the customer.

Risk in the goods passes to the customer on despatch and title passes to the customer once payment has been received in full.

Corporate Customers

  • Quotes

Quotes are supplied according to costs as at date of quote. In the event that a quote is not accepted within a reasonable time or if actual details change (such as quantity and artwork requirements), Paper-Go-Round reserves the right to re-quote to cater for potentially different costs, availability of seeds or other factors (such as changes in quarantine requirements).

  • Payment

Orders are normally supplied on a pre-paid basis with payment being required prior to despatch. Paper-Go-Round reserves the right to request part or full payment prior to irreversible use of paper, such as cutting or printing.